I'm a big podcast fan, especially of the Seanwes podcast. Sean McCabe really nails a lot of the issues concerning creativity and business that I often find myself tangling with. After chatting with Ashley Baxter about the topics of doing what you love, freelancing and the various struggles we both have experienced in creating a passion-based business, we decided to make our own show on the topic, Working Out.
Is it possible to make a living from your hobby? On the show, Ashley & myself discuss our own personal journeys in creating own passion-based businesses. This is about the expedition, the here and now, the daily challenges and achievements towards getting paid for your passion.
We don't claim to know all the answers, or the correct path to doing what you love, or even if it's possible! We're just talking about the issues and challenges we're struggling with and how we're working towards our goals.
I started out with various mountain shapes, symbolising progression, hard work, struggle, pushing yourself, rewarding, getting to the next level etc, and I worked in a subtle 'W' shape with them. The rising sun represents a fresh start, turning over a new leaf. I played about with various colour schemes, but wanted something nice, happy, friendly and I emphasised the word 'Out' like 'escaping/getting out' of an unpleasant situation you're in (crappy job etc). The word 'Working' is slanted up the way, symbolising the upwards journey you should be taking towards your goal.
Now that I work largely from home, alone, I find that I don't discuss design issues with other creatives too often anymore. This frustrates me, so I'm using the podcast as a kind of 'therapy' to chat about various things on my mind and already I've found it to be very useful! Hopefully you'll find it useful too. We've had some great feedback from listeners already, so why not give it a try!